EAS327: Response of a Linear System

A complete understanding of mechanical or electronic systems, such as environmental sensors, demands that we understand the "system response" to certain special inputs, notably, the response to a step change in the input, and the response to a sinusoidally-varying input (a less important "special input" is the "impulse." Interestingly, the response to more complex inputs can be inferred, if the step- and sinusoidal- responses are known). Knowing this type of system behaviour is important if we wish to be able to judge the suitability of a given instrument to task.

The general result is given last (you may already have studied most of the material that follows)...

A.1 Introduction

The "Step Response" of many common sensors is characterised by a falling rate of approach to a new equilibrium. Mathematically, the response y(t) shown on the figure can be written as:

Δy/Δt ~ (Y2 - y)

where Y2 (= constant) is the final value of y that will ultimately be "achieved." We may introduce a constant of proportionality τ, to obtain an equation:

Δy/Δt =(Y2 - y)/τ

where it is obvious that the proportionality constant τ must have the units of [time]. This constant τ is called the "time constant" of the system, and it is an immensely important attribute of the sensor/system. In Section A.3 we do the Calculus to show how to integrate this equation to obtain an explicit formula for the system response. If the step change in input takes place at time t=0, the output is given by

y(t) = Y2 + (Y1 - Y2 ) exp [ - t /τ ]

We can now speak of the fraction of the total "adjustment" (Y1 - Y2 ) that will have taken place at various times (t).
t (time since step) % adjustment
τ 63

But why do many sensors have this type of response? Lets take an example. Suppose that at t=0 we plunge a mercury-in-glass thermometer into a bucket of hot water. The output of the thermometer is a column-length (y), and prior to t=0, let us say y=Y1 which corresponds to the (cool) air temperature, Ta. As the sketch shows, the final column length is longer, Y2. And that final column length is only achieved when the entire volume of mercury has come to the temperature (TH) of the hot water. The heat to warm the mercury must come from the water... by a process of heat transport. So


Consider the accompanying schematic of a signal y(t), seen over an interval of time (t1 <= t <= t2) during which its mean value (average) was Y. We can "decompose" y(t) as:

y(t) = Y + y'(t)

where y'=y'(t) is called the "fluctuation." The fluctuation is simply the instantaneous deviation from the mean (Y).

Now suppose the fastest fluctuations in the signal have period Tmin and frequency fmax=1/Tmin. Our sensor has time constant τ.

If we want our sensor to "show," ie. reveal, or measure, the fastest fluctuations, then we must ensure that

τ < = Tmin /10

ie. make sure we use an instrument with a time-constant at least 10 times smaller than the fastest periods of interest.

But IF we only care to measure the average value of the signal, or the very slow changes, we can safely allow τ>> Tmin, a choice which will result in our "seeing" all changes with periods T>>τ.

This implies that we can use a "slow" sensor to achieve averaging of a variable signal, as an alternativeto use of a faster sensor, and subsequent digital averaging after the signal has been aquired (digitised, logged).


Our system governing equation is

Δy/Δt =(Y2 - y)/τ

and if we let the time interval Δt tend towards zero, we obtain a differential equation:

dy/dt =(Y2 - y)/τ

This is a quite generic equation, which characterises many many physical systems... and there are a number of interesting points to be made about it:

Now, let us solve this o.d.e. Please note that you will not be expected to perform this derivation in an exam. The following steps (ie. methods & terminology, conventions) are absolutely standard, are justified by the fact that they "work," and can be found in almost any introductory text on differential equations.


Referring back to the "system diagram", we had an input x(t), and an output y(t). There exists a General (formal) result for the relationship between input and output.

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Last modified 13 March 2016 (last prior modification 27 Mar. 2003).