Dr. John D. Wilson
bLS measurements of methane emission by Lethbridge dairy farm (2005)
Image shows laser gas detectors around a commercial dairy farm. Equipment was operated by Dr. Sean McGinn (Agriculture and Agrifood Canada), who had set-up Dr. McGinn set up an array of artificial point sources of both methane and a "true" tracer SF6. The artificial methane source was run on an off/on duty cycle, and from the detected response in methane concentration the natural (methane) source strength could be estimated. The SF6 tracer allowed use of the ratio-metric technique.
This experiment was the basis for part of Elizabth Shadwick's U. Alberta M.Sc. thesis "Measuring emissions by inverse dispersion."
- Thanks to Dr. S. McGinn (and his team), and to Dr. T. Flesch
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Last Modified: 25 Sept., 2008